Palaeography Training: Medieval Manuscripts
This pilot training scheme in medieval palaeography (including Welsh, for the first time in such a scheme) has as its main objective the creation of a consistent and coherent structure for the teaching of specialist skills in the area of late medieval palaeography and codicology to doctoral students in Schools of Humanities (comprising departments of English, Welsh, History, Theology, Modern Languages and Music) in the federal University of Wales and regional institutions (University of Glamorgan).
The newly founded Institute for Medieval and Early Modern Studies (a collaborative research centre bringing together staff at Bangor, Aberystwyth and Swansea) is supporting this scheme together with the Institute for Medieval Studies at Lampeter and the Centres for Medieval Studies at Swansea and Cardiff.
The main target audience of this scheme is represented by doctoral students in medieval studies working in any of the colleges which are part of the federal University of Wales. Some MA students have also been encouraged to participate, subject to number of places and separate funding through their own institutions and/or specialist funding.
The specialist areas to be covered are vernacular languages and Latin, the scheme being adaptable on demand, given the changing nature of the student population from one year to another. The students will achieve beginner to intermediate competence in palaeography, codicology and related skills, which would prepare them to work on manuscripts for their research with immediate effect.